August 21, 2009

Rolling drawer carts

I'm a firm believer in an organized system. I helps when you want to find something like pinking shears in your sewing kit. But what box is the sewing kit in? In what room?

In my craft room, up 'til now, my organization centered around a few of those rolling drawer carts you always see in craft magazines touted as a 'great way to organize your tools, paints and craft supplies.'

Don't believe the hype.

I've just reorganized everything out of those three lumbering, always-in-the-way, hinky-wheeled storage units. All of that stuff takes up MUCH less shelf space than I thought. Those carts just take up too much valuable floor space in my tiny room. They can't be stacked either, of course, being wheeled and all.

I'm going to keep the tall one to organize my gardening supplies, but sell the other two.

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